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Rethnaraj Rambabu Friday, December 25, 2009

Blogger platform enables us to add widgets into our blog, thus making our site more attractive, interactive and reader-friendly. Here, I've prepared a list of useful resources where you can get those widgets. Actually, Blogger has it's own list of gadgets but limited and sometimes we will not get widget that we are searching for. So most of the time, we have to depend on third party widgets to make our blog, a better blog.

Following is a step-by-step guide on adding a third party widget in our blog.

Step 1: Log into your Blogger account and select the blog that you want to add the widget.

Step 2: Click on Layouts option and it will automatically open Page Elements page. There you will see "Add             a Gadget" option

Step 3: Select "Add a Gadget" option and then HTML/Javascript option

Step 4: It will open a Configure HTML/Javascript window, prompting you to give a title for your widget and it's code.

Step 5: Paste the code of your widget into the content space. Click on "Save" button. And that's all. Your blog is installed with a widget.

You can change the position of the widget you added in Page Elements page by dragging it to the place that you want such as below or above header, in sidebar or in footer. Good luck.


birkah khaira' said...

ape paste kod widget nye,,

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